West Bend Auto Services

Make Auto Safety Center in West Bend, WI, your first choice for auto repair. Our ASE-Certified auto mechanics combine their decades of experience with our processes and products to bring West Bend a top-tier level of technical service. We believe that by offering “quality work, honest advice, and integrity,” we can do auto repair better!
We design everything at Auto Safety Center to reduce the burden of auto repair stress and to give you an honest experience that our community can trust. We use high-quality BG products in our shop, giving you a superior level of protection and durability in rough West Bend conditions. We are proud of our status as a “Gold Dealer” with General Tire & Continental. Auto Safety Center currently has nine bays, nine lifts, and ten highly-skilled ASE-Certified auto mechanics and master technicians; we are expanding operations in 2022, adding six more bays/lifts, and hiring more certified mechanics to support.
Some of the services we offer at Auto Safety Center include:
At Auto Safety Center, we take pride in our ability to source some of the best ASE-Certified auto mechanics that West Bend has to offer. We arm them with the latest auto repair technology, like DVIs (digital vehicle inspections). Combine that with our 50,000-mile warranty, and what you have is an auto repair center that genuinely believes in its processes, products, and people.
Visit Auto Safety Center and find out why we have been a fixture of the West Bend community since 1965! Auto Safety Center is a YES company – schedule an appointment today for quick approval, auto repair, and assistance. We’re also on Facebook! We’re located at 3700 W. Washington Street, West Bend, WI 53095, on the corner of Shepherd’s Drive and Washington Street, right across from the Fleet Farm. Our shop hours are Monday - Friday, 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. We Fix Just About Everything!